Saturday, 9 April 2011

waiting for a cup of tea / a scene with tea by Keiko Sato

[waiting for a cup of tea.] is the contemporary art project in four seasons, located in the Japanese tea garden. The chosen Japanese artists started their career in Europe and live in the Netherlands and Germany. The theme of the project raises the issue of identity as well as transitions of how their cultural backgrounds and their experiences of living in Europe influence their art practices. And the project asks each artist to create a site specific work. The final exhibition, “a scene with tea” by Keiko Sato, is exhibited in the garden in spring.

waiting for a cup of tea. – spring exhibition “a scene with tea” by Keiko Sato
Location: Japans cultureel centrum Shofukan

There is a lunch around the corner with Keiko Sato

[There is a lunch around the corner.] sets up a casual lunch meeting with the visiting artists of NAC guest rooms and local/NAC artists, and try to make more efficient exchange opportunities in the NAC guest room frame work. Lunch is open for 10 to 30 people. The guest artist will be able to introduce him/herself by any kind of way; artist talk, performance, screening or small presentation. In the second occasion of [There is a lunch around the corner.], Keiko Sato introduced herself and her past works. She told about the relationships between her personal experience and her art practices.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

“Uwaga, Dokumenty! / Watch out, Documentaries! / Opgelet, Documentaires!” - ANNA OKRASKO

Title: “Uwaga, Dokumenty! / Watch out, Documentaries! / Opgelet, Documentaires!”

Date: the 26-27 of March 2011, Saturday and sunday, 17:00 pm

Location: “Around the Corner”, Struitenweg, Rotterdam-Charlois

During "Uwaga, Dokumenty!/Watch out, Documentaries!/Opgelet, Documentaires!" several Polish films will be shown. The project is accessible for the Polish communities as well as others living in Charlois and Tarwewijk. After the screenings the audience is invited for a discussion.